Non-profit organization Build A Plane has acquired
the assets of Mojave, California-based commercial space flight company XCOR, which filed for bankruptcy last year. Build A Plane
will use the assets to build a school and to support its latest project: Build
A Rocket, which is set to launch next year. According to a report by, the non-profit bought XCOR’s assets for just over $1
million, beating out Space Florida, which put a bid in for $1 million. Sage
Cheshire Aerospace, which built the Red Bull Stratos capsule that Felix
Baumgartner famously jumped out of in 2012, has partnered with Build A Plane
for the project.
Build A Plane’s Build A Rocket project was
launched recently and aims to provide an opportunity for high schools and
college students to build high performance, 18-foot, high-powered rockets.
Build A Rocket will soon be offering pre-maunfactured rocket kits to STEM
education programs. The kits will be easily manufactured with the use of common
tools, such as screwdrivers and wrenches, according to a statement on the Build
A Plane’s website. These rocket kits will cost approximately $5,000 and should
be available next year.
As with Build A Plane’s collaborative project
with the General Aviation Manufacturers Association and Glasair Aviation, which sends high school students who win an aircraft
design contest to Arlington, Washington, to build a Glasair Sportsman, Build A
Rocket will select students to come to California to build “one very special
rocket,” according to the statement. The project is slated to begin next year
and students can sign up here.
(Evangle Luo of TTFLY shared with you)