
Airbus Helicopters X3: Buyer’s and Investor’s Guide

The Airbus Helicopter X3 was a test, research and development helicopter programme, finding out if helicopters could fly faster. The programme proved that it was possible for the helicopter to reach 220 knots during level flight and the aircraft could carry a useful passenger load. The helicopter could therefore be used for long distance flights to far distant offshore oil and gas platforms.
After a series of ground-breaking flights, the prototype was retired and is now displayed at the Musee de L’Air at Paris-Le Bourget Airport.
Missions: Airborne Law Enforcement, Search and Rescue, Offshore, Executive, EMS
World fleet: One prototype
Category: Twin Engine

Maximum speed (Vne): 220 kts 410 km/hr (achieved in test flight, may not be Vne)
Service ceiling: 12,500 ft 3,810 m (achieved in test flight may not be service ceiling)


Passengers (crew): Up to 13 (one or two pilots)

(Evangle Luo of TTFLY shared with you)

