Ground collisions have thankfully been few and
far between over the past few years. However, the FAA is taking no chances and
continues to raise awareness of the risk of runway incursions between aircraft
and vehicles operating on airports of all sizes. The agency said the majority
of incursions occur in the first two-thirds of the runway. FAA data reveals some good
news, that pilot deviations translating into incursions have dropped by nearly
50 percent over the past year.
The agency segments incursions into four
different categories, A thru D. Category A and B, however, are serious enough
that only skill and perhaps a bit of luck kept vehicles and aircraft from
crossing paths. Category C and D incursions are those that allow ample time for
parties involved to avoid a collision.
Category A and B
incursions most concern the agency and form the backbone of the recently published Safety
Alert for Operators 17012.
In a move to reduce the
number of Category A and B incursions, the FAA has added a paragraph to its
Order JO 7110.65, the manual air traffic controllers use to guide day-to-day
operations. “Crossing of active runway(s) by aircraft/vehicle(s): 1. During
departure operations, ensure that aircraft/vehicles intending to cross a runway
do not cross the runway holding position markings until the controller visually
observes the departure aircraft in a turn, or the departure aircraft has passed
the point where the crossing aircraft/vehicle is located, regardless of
altitude, unless authorized in FAA Order JO 7110.65, 3-10-10, Altitude
Restricted Low Approach.”
The agency also listed a
number of important reminders to pilots like actively listening to air traffic
control and maintaining a high awareness of runway hold lines. Aircraft are
expected to remain clear of the runway hold lines unless pilots are certain
they’ve received a clearance to cross the runway, line up and wait or takeoff.
It is critical that pilots ensure there are no aircraft nearby that might
overfly their own airplane and that the runway is completely clear before
entering for takeoff.
After receiving a LUAW clearance, pilots should
expect some communication from ATC within 90 seconds. (Reference AC
120-74(7)(c)(9) and AC 91-73, Appendix 3). The FAA’s Runway Safety Office is
just one of the many references cited in the SAFO.
(Evangle Luo of TTFLY shared with you)