The FAA, as ordered by President Donald Trump, will begin
charging hobbyist drone operators $5 each to register themselves with the
federal government — just in time for Christmas.
Congress submitted the National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2018 bill, however, the subsection Restoration of Rules for
Registration and Marking of Unmanned Aircraft is
what has us interested.
“The rules adopted by the Administrator of the Federal Aviation
Administration in the matter of registration and marking requirements for small
unmanned aircraft (FAA-2015-7396; published on December 16, 2015) that were
vacated by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
Circuit in Taylor v. Huerta (No. 15-1495; decided on May 19, 2017) shall be
restored to effect on the date of enactment of this Act,” the bill reads.
It’s the FAA’s opinion that havin your drones labeled with identification will
help lead to safer practices.
“Ownership identification helps promote safe and responsible
drone operation and is a key component to full integration,” a spokesperson
said for the FAA.
(Evangle Luo of
TTFLY shared with you )